Basic Principles

St George was a Roman soldier who died for his faith in Jesus in the year 303. A later legend tells of St George slaying a dragon that was terrorizing a village. Our logo depicts that act as a symbol of Christ’s death on the cross defeating the devil, who is sometimes depicted as a dragon. 

Christ the Center

There is no Christian faith without Jesus Christ, without his birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. His teaching and example inhabit the center of our lives.

We know Jesus through the witness of the New Testament (especially the four Gospels), and the Old Testament and its preparation for him. We read these God-breathed texts through the lenses of our God-given reason and the insights of fellow Christians living over the last 2000 years.

Jesus tells us that the way to follow him is to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength, This is simply a way of saying to love God with every part of who we are and what we do. We commit ourselves to seeking his transforming work in us. We train our minds to understand the things of God. We do his deeds in the world. Jesus also tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves. We care for the poor, the weak, the marginalized.

Following Jesus means that his life and teaching shape our manner of life. We will not be driven by outside agendas: social, political, or otherwise. Jesus is the main thing, and we will keep the main thing, the main thing.

The Anglican tradition

We follow Jesus in the tradition of the English Reformation. Our worship and prayer are rooted in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), first published in the 16th century as a way for the people of England to worship in English (rather than Latin).

We worship in Word and Sacrament, remembering the experience of those disciples who traveled to Emmaus with Jesus after his resurrection: their hearts burned with the reading of the Scriptures and their eyes were opened to know him in the breaking of the bread. The BCP is a Scripture-laden, formative text. It is not for Sunday worship only, but guides our daily prayers throughout the week.

The BCP was created to allow the people to worship in their own language, in words readily understandable, and we enact its liturgies (services) determined that they will be accessible to all. We especially want to do so in a manner that welcomes those with disabilities, visible and invisible.

We are a parish church of the Anglican Church in North America, and a member of the Diocese of Quincy.